Is your Corporate Job your Life's Purpose?

I've been thinking a lot recently about my life purpose and the bigger picture of how our society views life's purpose.

What I've dug into is that when I allowed myself to burn out (yes, that's how I see it now, looking back, I allowed it to happen to me), I honestly felt as though my purpose in life was my work.

I decided what I wanted my career to be and become every step of the way. Those decisions were rooted in what was important to me, what I wanted to do and how I wanted to help those around me.

These decisions were to find deeper meaning in my work and feel connected, worthy, and valuable (aka feeling purpose) in my life.

I know I'm not the only person who has made this connection.

It was a natural progression; I would work to feel purpose.

If not, how else would I feel purpose?

Eventually, I saw that this purpose was inherently tied to something I didn't ultimately have control over or the last say.

I could be providing value and support to customers, team members, and whomever else, but I was not in charge (I am NOT saying that if you are the big boss, the job can be your life purpose, but simply painting the picture). In a blink of an eye, our corporate work can be taken away from us, which mine was eventually.

I think we can find deep meaning in the work we do.

I do not think we should tie our life's purpose to a corporate job.