A Lesson on Need, Want, and Desire

I so often hear people talking about what they need, whether they need a day off or need to get something from the store. The word need is a staple in our lives, quite literally. To need something is that the thing is necessary to our life; this must be distinguished from want and desire.

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Talia RosenblumComment
The Art of Decision Making

I had a realization that while I was excellent at making decisions for my external world (aka whatever would impact others), I had a lot of decisions I was flat out ignoring that affected me and me alone.

I honestly didn't realize I wasn't making decisions because I was burying the need to make them so deep.

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Talia RosenblumComment
How Meditation and Mindfulness Changed My Life

I started meditating, using Headspace, when I was a bit lost. I was living the life I thought I wanted to be living but was deeply unhappy. I didn't feel physically, mentally, or emotionally well but was at a loss of what I could do differently; I had a perfect life from the outside. While I have struggled with depression since I was 16, I knew that's not what was going on.

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